StealthNet Version erschienen
Der anonyme und zensurfreie P2P-Client StealthNet ist in der Verion erschienen. Die wichtigste Änderung dürfte dabei sein, dass die CPU-Last drastisch zurückgeschraubt wurde, so dass der Client nun auch auf schwächeren Rechnern problemlos laufen sollte.
Auch die GUI läuft nun stabiler und stürzt nicht mehr so oft ab.
- Mac OS X related bug fixed
- BETA-notice removed
- Language translations added/changed
- „PCE“ exceptions removed
- Upstream calculation fixed
- Writing of onlinesignature.xml corrected
- Download file name bug fixed
- Fixed some bugs in the new collections
- Fixed high CPU usage
- Fixed SearchDB
- All tabs checked
- Reviewed iformation dialoges
- If StealthNet crashes the xml files will be no more corrupt (0 bytes)
- Added more keyboard shortcuts to search
- Fixed double hashing of recently downloaded files
- Fixed frozen GUI during hashing of completed download
- Fixed right click behavior on DataGridViews
- The common TextBox context menu will be shown in SearchTab
- Using of floating point for downstream and upstream
- Added keyboard shortcuts to search for „.mp3″ and so on
- ShareManager partial rewritten
- Down- and Upstream meassurement of Down- and Uploads implemented
- Sending of Command7A improved
- Re-implemented the feature of Auto-Moving
- BZ 106 fixed
- SectorsMap will be only written if HasInformation is true
- Changed settings will be saved after closing the preferences dialog
- Downloads queue and writing of downloads.xml rewritten
- Maked GUI „more threadsafe“
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