06. August 2015

Drei interessante Udemy Kurse kostenlos

The Complete HTML & CSS Course – From Novice To Professional

In this Udemy Course Students will be able to learn a Complete HTML & CSS Course taking them From Novice To Professional
84 Lektionen
8 Stunden Video

Kostenlos statt $199
Zum Kurs

10x Power Learning – Learn Speed Reading & Memory Techniques
Advanced memory techniques and learning strategies which will boost your memory, speed of learning and concentration.
41 Lektionen
3 Stunden Video
Kostenlos statt $300
Zum Kurs

Learn Python Face Detection
Learn the basics of Python programming, and learn how to program a face-recognition application using Python.
15 Lektionen
3 Stunden Video

Kostenlos statt $29
Zum Kurs

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