Botany Bay neuer Song mit politischer Message
Eigentlich, so schreiben Botany Bay in ihrem Blog, ist ihre Musik nicht als Transportmittel für ihre weltanschaulichen oder politischen Ansichten gemeint, sondern es geht den Künstlern um das Ausdrücken und Vermitteln von Gefühlen.
Aber auch Angst ist ein Gefühl, und so hat das neueste Video doch eine politische Färbung bekommen.
Song Text:
Old Men With Ballpoint Pens
They know it is the worst thing
Not being in control
So they bring in all the big guns
To ease their troubled souls
You can see them in the tabloids
Where they smile their empty smiles
Selling tales of lawless chaos
And lies upon lies
They waste no time, they’re on the way
They’re quick to bend the laws
To abuse the ones who suffered
For their twisted cause
Old men with ballpoint pens
They know what you’ve been doing
They know where you have been
They read the words, both yours and mine
They’ve seen what you have seen
They’re here to protect you
All for the common good
Don’t you dare to get in their way
They just know what’s good for you
And if you’re feeling watched
And if you’re full of fear
Remember that, remember how
It was you who brought them here
Old men with ballpoint pens…
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